Digital Skills Assessment
Artificial Intelligence, Frameworks, Reporting
Start building winning teams remotely with our 2,000+ skills, 200+ ready IT job-role tests, or build your own custom tests and more...
Read more about it in our article or contact us for a free trial.
Document Management
Document Management, Frameworks, Reporting, Solutions
A web-based document management platform that simplifies and automates document processes including dispatch or sharing with clients and collaborators. The platform is very intuitive and can be customized to fit your needs.
Check our blog posts for examples of projects we implemented.
Employees Insights
Frameworks, Reporting
An employee experience platform designed to help people connect, focus, learn, and thrive at work. Ready-to-use templates are available to start with.
Read more about it in our special article or contact us for a demo.
Forecasting using Advanced Analytics
Advanced Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Business Strategy, Reporting, Solutions
Trend-based forecast using historical data and prediction algorithms (STL, Arima, Prophet...), social listening and way beyond !
Read more about it in our article or contact us for a demo.
Blockchain, Frameworks, Reporting
Blockchain-based software solution to digitize securities issuance and management operations for unlisted joint-stock companies.
Contact us for more info.